Yuniawan Nugroho, editor, also became victims of the eruption of Mount Merapi, which happened today. The bodies of Henry, so call reporters who cover the old parliament building, was found dead near a house in the village of Mbah Maridjan Kinahrejo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

At 22:42, VIVAnews got a call from Faith Surahman, activist Disaster Management Center (DMC) Wallets Dhuafa, who searches the victims of the eruption of Mount Merapi, since the afternoon. Faith states, discover the identity of Yuniawan Nugroho on one victim who was found dead at home Mbah Maridjan.

"Right on behalf of Yuniawan Nugroho, was born in Blora, please diikhlaskan course, Henry has passed away," says Iman who was asked VIVAnews to find out the existence of Wawa. Faith was still in the location when reporting these findings.

The assurance was also obtained by the television station Metro TV who get immediate image Yuniawan bodies and their identity. Impressions that ensures, clothes and shoes that looked at the bodies belonged to Yuniawan.

Previously, VIVAnews lost contact with Henry when eruptions occurred from 17:02 o'clock. Wawa last contact with a friend, a voice that says there is a fire triggered.

Henry was born June 1, 1968 is day-to-day work in Jakarta. Today, Wawa who has two children arrived in Yogyakarta to interview Mbah Maridjan for special coverage Highlight this weekend. Yet another said destiny, Henry became one of the victims died from strokes Merapi volcanic ash.


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