Interpreter Lock Mount Merapi, Mbah Maridjan eventually found dead by rescue teams deployed since Wednesday (27/10) morning. His body at around 6:05 successfully evacuated from the slopes of Mount Merapi, exactly in the Village District Kinahrejo Cangkringan, Sleman, or is about 6 km from the peak of Merapi.
Description compiled by Republika, Mbah Maridjan bodies found in a prostrate condition in his room. He was wearing a batik shirt, white cap and gloves. Allegedly when disaster hot clouds (wedhus gembel) comes in question was praying.
Head of Legal and Public Relations Dr Sardjito, Heru Nugroho Trisno justify one's body sent to his hospital is Mbah Maridjan. Famous stars ad-Roso Roso sentences were sent already in a lifeless condition. ''His body was prostrate,''said Heru told Republika.
Label: National
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