U.S. diplomats, in a leaked diplomatic wire WikiLeaks, describes the world of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll behind formal piety kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, officials described a Halloween party underground, which was held last year by a member of the royal family, who hit all the taboo in the Islamic state. Liquor and prostitutes were present in abundance, according to leaks that, behind the gate of the heavily guarded villa.

The party was organized by a wealthy prince from a large family of Al-Thunayan. The diplomats said the identity must be kept secret.

"Alcohol, although it is forbidden by Saudi law and customs, are very abundant in the party bar with a complete collection. Bartender serving cocktails hired Philippines sadiqi, a locally-made liquor," said the wire as dilasir The Guardian. "Also known by word of mouth that a number of guests (the party) in fact is a 'call girl', something which is unusual for such a party.

Shipment information from U.S. diplomats, signed by the U.S. consul in Jeddah, Martin Quinn, who added, "Although not directly witnessed the incident, cocaine and hashishsh (marijuana) is used in general in such social environment."

Underground party is "growing and throbbing" in Saudi Arabia thanks to the protection of the Saudi kingdom, said the wire. But such a party is only available behind closed doors and for the very wealthy. There are at least 10,000 princes in the kingdom. Some still a direct descendant of King Abdul Aziz, while others come from families that do not branch directly.

The diplomats who attended the party were reported, more than 150 Saudi men and women, mostly in their 20s and 30s, attended the party. Protection of the kingdom means anxiety will diserga religious police become impossible. People who enter controlled through a strict guest list. "Scene like a night club anywhere outside of the kingdom: a lot of alcohol, young couples dancing, a DJ on turntables and everyone dressed up."

Leak that said the shelf in the bar where the party shows the kinds of famous liquor.

The diplomats were also trying to explain why the host was so sticky with bodyguards Nigeria, some of which are on guard at the door. "Most of the security forces of the prince is a young man of Nigeria. It is a common practice among the Saudi princes to grow with the guards hired from Nigeria or other African countries that young age, (the same age as the prince) and will remain together with the prince until adulthood. together a long time to create an intense bond of loyalty "

A Saudi young man told the diplomats that the big party is the new trend. Until a few years ago, he said, weekend activities only in the form of "dating" in small groups that meet in the homes of the rich. According bocaran, several luxury homes in Jeddah has a basement bar, discos and clubs.


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