Beijing (ANTARA News) - Indonesia is satisfied about the preparations China has made for the 2008 Olympic Games as all the facilities provided are modern, enabling athletes to compete optimally, an Indonesian sports official said.

"We are satisfied about China`s and Beijing`s preparations as the host," Indonesian Chief de Mission (CDM) for the 2008 Olympic Games Rosihan Arsyad said here Monday after observing the fields and athlete camps to be used by Indonesian athletes and officials.

"The Chinese governmet has prepared the Olympic event very seriously and is determined to make it the biggest sports event in this century," he said.

All the facilities were of international standards and ready for use, he added.

"China has made very fast progress and I am sure the country will be a good and succesful host," Arsyad said.

The Beijing Olympic Games will be held August 8-24. Indonesia will compete in seven sport branches -- track and field, weightlifting, shooting, swimming, badminton, archery, and windsurfing.

To ensure their best performance, some Indonesian athletes were receiving special physical training from coaches from Australia, Hong Kong and Ukraine.

Australian coahces were handling the weightlifting, track and field and badminton athletes, the Hong Kong coaches the swimmers. The shooting athletes were being trained by an Ukraine coach.

Besides coaches, a number of psychologists, physiotherapists and nutritionists had also been recruited to meet the needs of the Indonesian athletes.

Rasyad said the Indonesian athletes had capabilities comparable to most athletes from other countries. "We just need to give them greater encouragement and improve their tactics," he said.

Indonesia is to send 24 athletes, including an 11-strong badminton team, to the Beijing games.


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