Hollywood actor, Richard Gere will visit the Borobudur and Prambanan temple one of the world cultural heritage in the 25 to 27 June 2011.Marketing Director-General of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Sapta Nirwandar, in his press conference here on Friday (06/17), said the arrival of Richard Gere to Borobudur Temple will hopefully provide a positive influence for Indonesia.
"With so expected arrival Gere could attract more foreign tourists to visit Borobudur temple," he said.
In a series of visit to Borobudur, opposite Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman that will attend the Peace Morning Walk with Buddhist monks at Borobudur.
Gere will also conduct a Bodhi tree planting in the Park area and visit Borobudur Pawon and Mendut.
Golden Globe Award winner will be invited guests at the same time in the staging of The Borobudur Masterpiece of Ballet held at the open stage Aksobya east foot of Borobudur.
The series of visits was expected to attract world attention and inspire the international media coverage to make a documentary to be aired throughout the world.
According Nirwandar, Borobudur and Prambanan will continue to be promoted aggressively let alone post-eruption of Merapi, some time ago.
"Promotion of tourism in this region should continue to be done so that the international community know that Borobudur and Prambanan safe visit," he said.
He said one way of promoting, among others, by inviting a prominent person such as actor Richard Gere. "With so many fans Gere in Asia, America and Europe the arrival Gere is expected to further introduce the Borobudur and Prambanan temple throughout the world," he said.
During his visit to Indonesia, Richard Gere are also Buddhists will meet with Minister of Culture and Tourism (Minister of Culture), Wacik, in Jakarta.
Gere is also scheduled to meet with Sri Sultan Bowono X in a dinner at the palace of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta.
All activities in Indonesia will Gere is well documented as one of the promotional materials of Indonesia to the international world.
Director of Tourism Park Borobudur Prambanan and Ratu Boko, Purnomo Siswoprasetyo, say, the arrival Gere is expected to become one of Indonesia's cultural promotion efforts that can be disseminated to the outside world.
"Post-eruption of Merapi, Borobudur was ready visited by more tourists and Gere are expected to visit the surrounding area," he said.
According to him, that effort could be a good promotion for the Borobudur and is expected to spur other actors to visit Indonesia.
He asserted that Borobudur remains open to the general public upon arrival Ricard Gere to the tourist area.
Gary Plant, which became public consultant liaison officer between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism with the management of Richard Gere, saying, Gere has expressed willingness to come to Indonesia and to thank you for welcoming people of Indonesia plans to him.
"Gere and his family came to Indonesia as a person, he hopes his arrival could encourage more people to come to Indonesia. Society Hollywood will also look at Indonesia," he said.
Meanwhile, members of the Buddhist community, Jhung Hardy, said it welcomed the arrival of Gere and his family who want to do a flashback trip Artisa propagator of Buddhism in Tibet who arrived in 1011 and studied Buddhism in the kingdom of Srivijaya to the monks.
"It inspired Richard Gere to visit Borobudur, because he wanted to trail 1000 year Artisa trip to Borobudur," he said.
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