A former minister for production of the Indonesian Islamic State (NII) movement, Imam Supriyanto. said NII activists had begun infiltrating political parties such as the Golkar Party, the Democrat Party and the Republican Party.

"But the NII activists are still ordinary members only, they have yet to become party executives," Imam Supriyanto said after a meeting with Priyo Budi Santoso, deputy speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) at the parliament building here on Monday.

He said that NII Region IX Commandment (KW IX) which was chaired by Syeh Panji Gumilang was also recruiting members from secondary school and university students.

Kamal Singadirata, another ex-NII figure, added that activists of NII KW IX, had entered various quarters including political parties.

He said that the son of Syeh Panji Gumilang, had even been appointed a member of Indramayu regional legislative assembly representing the Golkar faction.

He said that leaders of political parties also established good relations with Panji Gumilang who sometimes paid a visit to Al Zaytun Boarding School in Indramayu, West Java.

Priyo admitted he was surprised when his guests who were ex-NII leaders, explained matters relating to the structure and executives of the NII organization.

From the explanations, he said, he knew that NII KW IX was led by Panji Gumilang with the structure of his cabinet.

Priyo, who is also an associate chairman of the Golkar Party, explained that what he had known with NII KW IX was that it taught about `infaq` and `sodaqoh` (charity and alms), not terrorist and violence ideologies.


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