Michelle Obama and flanking Priest Istiqlal Mosque, Mohammed Ali Mustafa KH Jacob.Entourage President of the United States, Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama, left the Masjid Istiqlal. Lady of the United appear to be different while visiting the Istiqlal. Michelle wearing a veil.
Veil which she had used combined patterned brown spots green in Istiqlal Mosque, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, November 10, 2010.
Around 0845 GMT, the Obama entourage left the Istiqlal Mosque. Obama arrived at about 8:25 pm at the Istiqlal Mosque, and only about 20 minutes in the mosque is the pride of the Indonesian nation.
Obama and Michelle seem flanking Priest Istiqlal Mosque Mohammad Ali Mustafa KH Jacob. The three chatted with a relaxed atmosphere.
Obama and his entourage originally crossed the New Market Street area in front of Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. But the roads were not monitored there is now closing. "Obama does not become this way," said a policeman.
The plan, after this visit, Obama will go directly to the University of Indonesia campus. Information received VIVAnews.com, Obama plans to Hero Cemetery will be canceled. But until now could not be confirmed.
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