The Blog Business Funnel cover
I’m extremely excited to finally be able to share with you my first book, The Blog Business Funnel. Written and refined over 6 months (since June 2009), it’s an outpouring of knowledge on everything I know and have learned about how to run a thriving freelance business supported only by your blog.

In July 2008 I was studying full-time and freelancing part-time as a writer, copywriter and consultant. In that month, I earned more than $8,000 through my own Blog Business Funnel. Every single cent was earned through jobs that came through my blog.

Was I a veteran freelancer? Nope. I took my first ever client in September 2007, only eleven months earlier—a freelance blogging job. I figured I would start with what I knew!

When I added up my earnings and stared in shock at the final figure, I knew I had stumbled across something incredible.

If I’d known then what I know now, I’m confident I could have cracked the $10,000 mark that month.

The book was borne out of the question: Why do bloggers struggle so much with advertising and affiliate programs, when there is clearly a better way?

While others have written brief articles on the topic of using blogging as the foundation for a freelance business, nobody else has outlined a complete blueprint in book form, sharing everything there is to know. If you don’t have a freelance business yet, you’ll learn how to create one.

Whether you’re a blogger, freelancer, or neither, you’ll learn everything you need to create a Blog Business Funnel system.

See Inside

The Blog Business Funnel is a beautifully designed 93 page eBook with 8 substantial chapters. Click the thumbnails to see a one-page excerpt from the beginning of each chapter.

Introduction: Why Aren’t Bloggers Filthy Rich?

Introduction - Click for view of first page

For years we’ve been told that blogging has the power to make you rich. Why have so few of us made it? Instead of endlessly tweaking ads for other people’s products, start your own freelance business and begin to make a living doing work you love.

(See first page)

Chapter 1: Setting Yourself Up For Business

Chapter 1 - Click for view of first page

This chapter outlines the foundations of a strong freelance business, while also discussing the many different services you can sell as a freelancer.

(See first page)

Chapter 2: The Blog Business Funnel Explained

Chapter 2 - Click for view of first page

Here you’ll learn how to create a popular, thriving blog that is ecially designed to appeal to the target market for your services. You’ll learn how the model works and how to adapt the model to your blog.

(See first page)

Chapter 3: Trust and Targeted Traffic

Chapter 3 - Click for view of first page

Learn methods and formulas for creating incredible content designed to draw your target market deeper into your blog. Also, learn how to build trust and a rock-solid reputation.

(See first page)

Chapter 4: Turning Readers Into Clients

Chapter 4 - Click for view of first page

When you have a healthy and thriving blog, the next step is to start funneling readers into your business. You’ll learn how to properly promote your services to your readership.

(See first page)

Chapter 5: Using Business Launch and Re-Launch Formulas

Chapter 5 - Click for view of first page

People are always talking about the importance of product launches, but what about a proper launch for your freelance business? This chapter shows you how to create exciting launches that will fill your client list for months to come.

(See first page)

Chapter 6: Advanced Blog Business Strategies

Chapter 6 - Click for view of first page

Get a measurable and profitable return on investment with online advertising for your services. Clever tips that some of the world’s biggest companies still don’t know.

(See first page)

Chapter 7: Scaling Up!

Chapter 7 - Click for view of first page

The book finishes with three strategies that your competition simply don’t know about: 1. How to charge your dream rates 2. How to create low-maintenance partnerships you can profit from (without actually doing any work) 3. Productizing your business to sell in your sleep.

(See first page)

It’s More Affordable Than You Think

Most eBooks that teach you ways to run a business online require a serious investment. $97 for one eBook is considered cheap. And for other products, the price keeps climbing. $199. $247. $499!

This product is different - I want it to be accessible to as many people as possible, so that the book isn’t out of reach of anyone. If you walked down the aisles of any bookstore you’d never pay $100 or more for a single book. Why should an eBook be different?

The Blog Business Funnel is $29 USD if you buy it now.

If you do one single hour of billable work as a result of reading this book, it has paid for itself.

Of course, it’s my hope that the book will help you land thousands of dollars worth of clients, all while doing what you love.

This book shows you how to do work that makes you happy, and earn a great, independent living in the process.

The Blog Business Funnel (eBook), 93 Pages

The Blog Business Funnel cover

By Skellie

Written and perfected over six months, this book outlines an easy to follow process for funneling clients into your freelance business through your blog.

You’ll learn how to create a thriving popular blog your target market loves, how to sell your services to your target market and how to optimize your business and charge dream rates. Filled with Skellie’s clever tips on blogging, freelancing and personal branding, you’ll learn dozens of things you never knew and will be landing clients on autopilot in no time.

It’s time to earn a living online doing something that makes you happy.

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