Denis Welch, CEO of Drydocks World South East Asia , Vice Mayor of
Batam, Ir. Ria Saptarika , Police Commander of Batam, Leonidas
Braksan and Mustofa Widjaja , chairman of the Batam Free Zone
Authority , met this morning (Friday April 23, 2010) to discuss the
incident which took place at the Graha Yard yesterday (April 22, 2010).
All parties said they deeply regretted the incident which resulted in three
employees sustaining minor injuries. Two employees were discharged
from hospital this morning. One continues to be detained in hospital in
Batam this evening.
Denis Welch said today: “Our investigation into this incident is ongoing
and we do not wish to pre-judge any outcome, but the problem appears
to have started from a disagreement between a supervisor and one of
the sub-contractor workers at the yard which regrettably developed into
a dispute between workers of different nationality . All parties wish to
confirm that the multi-national /ethnic workforce employed in Batam has
enjoyed excellent relations for a long time and the incident is an isolated
one off.”
Mr Welch offered his sympathies to the workers involved and their
families. "We deeply regret this unfortunate incident, one that has
marred our previously spotless record of cultural harmony and good
working relations at all three of our facilities on Batam.” We shall all be
working together to ensure this never happens again, he added.
Drydocks World SEA confirmed today it will return to normal working at
the Pertama and Nanindah shipyards on Batam on Monday (April 26,
2010) , and normal work will resume at the Graha yard as soon as
possible thereafter
Representatives from the Batam shipyard industries sub-contractors’
association were also at this morning’s meeting and were reassured by
Drydocks World SEA that there will be no interruption to their wage
payments while the yards return to normal and while the investigation
into the incident continues.

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