Indonesian Police Chief, General Bambang Hendarso Danuri, said Mohammad Jibril aka Ricky Ardhan a former Alqaeda group. Police also will announce the arrest of Gabriel within 7x24 hours.

This was said by Chief of Police when answering reporters' questions after breaking fast at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday, August 27, 2009. "Yes (he's a former member of Alqaeda). But let the process run."

Police promised to immediately notify to the family of Mohammad Jibril related arrests. Announcement submitted within 7x24 hours. "So only six days away," he said.

Police set as a game Mohammad Jibril terrorism cases. site's owner allegedly involved in bombings in the JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton. Mohammed Jibril is believed to have financed terrorist activities in Indonesia.

Previously, the father of Mohammed Jibril, Abu Jibril, told his son had called home right after the set as a fugitive terrorist. But about 500 yards from his home, Mohammad Jibril kidnapped. "Once abducted, my son pressed the knee, cuffed, then put into a numbered silver Honda CRV 8190 CX B ppolisi."

Mohammed Jibril has two data where date of birth. First, in Banjarmasin, December 3, 1979 and the second in East Lombok, 28 May 1989. According to Nanan, date of birth data were obtained from information on passpor and population.

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