Bandar Lampung (ANTARA) - A moderate quake measuring 5.1 on the Richter Scale was reported to have hit marine territory of Kaimana in West Papua and Tuai of Maluku on Sunday.

The report from the Meteorology and Geophysic Station (BMG) in Bandar Lampung said the quake which struck the area at 07:15 local time happened in a location of 4.87 southern latitude and -133.93 east longitude.

The epicenter of the quake which had no the potential to trigger tsunami was about 134 km southeast Kaimana in West Papua and 157 km northeast Tual sea in Maluku in a depth of about 30 km below seabed.

Indonesia sits on the seismically active Pacific Ring of Fire, and experiences frequent earthquakes - as well as tsunamis triggered by underwater earthquakes.

In 2006, more than 500 people died when a tsunami hit an area of the Java coast after an undersea earthquake. And in the Asian tsunami of December 2004, more than 130,000 people died in Sumatra when waves destroyed swathes of the province of Aceh.


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